Thursday, October 11, 2007
The fIction book that changed my life
Saturday, September 29, 2007
1st Annual Disability Fair in Columbus, GA
The Disability Fair hosted by life coach Brandi Dawson-King was AWESOME!! I sold 7 books, but even better I got the hook up with some great contacts including one that will lead to an interview with Columbus Urban Connection and another that may turn out to be a prosperous partnership with a syndicated radio show host who supports independent authors. I'll be talking to him in the coming weeks about some other projects he wants to start and needs help with.
The most lasting moments I had though was when a visually impaired man [my now good friend, Willie] and I was cutting up. He said that he was looking forward to Mocha Chocolate: Taste A Piece of Ecstasy [which will be in audiobook form! by the way]. When I told him Mocha Chocolate may be too hot for him, he asked me had I seen Ray (the movie) and then he started feeling up my arm like Ray Charles. He had me cracking up. The table for the blind and deaf was beside mine and they were happy to hear that my next book would be in audiobook form, as well as print.
30 people signed up for my newsletter!! And overall, it was a prosperous event because of all of the networking and the ability to support a worthy cause.
I finally got the chance to meet Mashawn, founder of SBS Book Club, who was supporting authors like no one else at the fair today. She had to have had at least 20-30 authors' flyers and books on hand today and I won her book raffle, which was 100 dollars worth of books, so you know I'm in book heaven right about now. Yay!
Until next time, keep reading...and I'll keep writing ;-)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Mocha Chocolate: Taste A Piece of Ecstasy - submissions closed
Friday, July 13, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Write a Piece of Ecstasy. A call for submissions.
Mocha Chocolate: Taste a Piece of Ecstasy will be an anthology of sexually charged short stories that focus on the black love (no hardcore pornography or bestiality please).
Genre: Erotica.
Story length: 3,500 - 6,000 words.
Reprints: No reprints accepted. Please no stories that have previously been published or posted on the Internet; fresh new stories only.
Payment: Accepted submissions will receive five (5) books to sell at retail. Retail price has not yet been set. Writers may also buy future books from Shanibooks at a discounted rate (to be determined).
Rights: Shanibooks will retain all copyrights and publishing rights for reprints.
Deadline: All submissions are due by September 15, 2007
Publication Date: March 2008
If you are interested in submitting a story to Mocha Chocolate: Taste a Piece of Ecstasy, write your best erotic story and submit via email to
I'm looking forward to collaborating with you.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
All I Ever Did Was Love A Man Book Review, and more
Four stars
ALL I EVER DID WAS LOVE A MAN by Sharon Denise Allison-Ottey is a story of Sabrena, a single mother who leaves her verbally abusive husband and finally gets her life together. She finds a job that provides for her two daughters. She has a great friend, Rach, who is like a sister to her; and she has a piece of a man, Steve.
Steve started out as a good man, but soon became very wishy washy. Sabrena can't depend on him for anything, except to tell a good lie when he's caught awkward situations. Despite the heartache, Sabrina loves him, but after a visit with her gynecologist she breaks it off with Steve for goo. It's her follow-up visit that will send her world into a tailspin.
For me, ALL I EVER DID WAS LOVE A MAN was a slow read, but a necessary one. The reader will be taught through experience the importance of protecting yourself when you suspect your lover is not monogamous. It also touches on AIDS among married women, which as of the 2005 statistics was on the rise among African American women.
Reviewed by:
Shani Greene-Dowdell
Author of Keepin' It Tight
Reviewer for Big Time Publishing Magazine
Here is an interesting article that I found on Let's Talk Honestly's website last week. The thing that stood out the most to me is the fact that blacks account for 56% of the new AIDS cases while we are only 13% of the population.
(See article)
HIV rate continues to climb in African American community
ATLANTA — More than 25 years into the AIDS epidemic, HIV continues to soar in the black community, accounting for more than half of the newly diagnosed infections in the U.S. in a recent yearly assessment by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At the same time, health officials say, the African-American community has been slow to acknowledge the problem, prompting the CDC and grass-roots organizations to mark a yearly observance to bring attention to the epidemic.
Wednesday is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, a national effort designed to mobilize blacks to get tested, educated and treated for the disease. Well-known African-Americans — including Tony Dungy, head coach of the Super Bowl champion Indianapolis Colts; entertainer Patti LaBelle; Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.; and former Secretary of State Colin Powell — have joined the campaign by taping public-service announcements to run on radio and television.
Of the roughly 1 million people estimated to be living with HIV in the United States, 47 percent are African-American, according to CDC statistics for 2005, the most recent year for which numbers are available. Though blacks represent only about 13 percent of the U.S. population, 56 percent of the newly diagnosed cases in 2005 were African-Americans.
"The ability to manage this terrible disease has improved and more people are living healthier and longer lives, but African-Americans have been diagnosed late and are not availing themselves to treatment," said Dr. Kevin Fenton, director of the CDC's National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention. "The stigma within the community has prevented people from getting tested and accessing services needed to help manage infections."
African-American women are disproportionately affected, and black men who have sex with men have a much higher rate of infection than men of other backgrounds who have sex with men, Fenton said.
"HIV is closely associated with socioeconomic disparity in our country. Poverty, poor access to services and lack of knowledge all factor into this," said Fenton. "Stigma, homophobia and lack of open conversation in the black community have further compounded the problem."
To increase early detection of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, the CDC recently issued a new policy recommending that HIV testing become a routine part of medical care for Americans 13 to 64 years of age. It should be given much like a cholesterol or blood-pressure test, the CDC said, adding that patients should be allowed to refuse the HIV test if they choose.
Illinois state Rep. Mary Flowers recently introduced a bill in the Illinois legislature that would include HIV testing in routine physical examinations that Illinois students take before entering school. HIV tests would be administered during school physical exams, just as tuberculosis tests and vaccinations are given.
Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is an important part of a comprehensive awareness program to stop the spread of the disease, according to supporters, and it helps to get the message out.
"Black people are going to have to take responsibility for themselves in this epidemic," said Debra Fraser-Howze, president of the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS. "We have to make some serious decisions, a decision to first talk about the epidemic and a decision to own it. It is ours, with 56 percent of all new infections."
While there has been progress in confronting the disease in the black community, Fraser-Howze said, much work remains in getting the subject to the forefront in churches, schools and community groups. And while much attention has been given to the epidemic in Africa, not enough has placed on the problem in black communities in the United States, she said.
"We are in a quandary because we as African-Americans have to be concerned about what is going on in Africa. But at the same time we are concerned about Africa, we have to be concerned about South Central Los Angeles. Both have to be addressed," said Fraser-Howze. "Funds are dwindling and everybody is taking money to Africa when African-Americans are dying in this country."
Friday, April 6, 2007
Update on my debut novel - Keepin' It Tight
I hope you have having a nice week, keepin everything tight *wink.* What I can't believe is that the week is almost over and out of the 20 things that I have on my to-do list only about 2-3 have been completed. Boy, where does the time go?
I got this message from my editor two days ago and I was to happy to stand myself, lol!!
____________ _________ ________
Hey Shani,
The edits are coming along smoothly. Love your style, gurl. *wink* And it's definitely holding my attention, which is saying alot with me
having edited so many novels. *'nother wink* LOL
I'm projecting a completion date during the week of April 23rd, but
hopefully sooner...
____________ _________ _________ _
Carla Dean of www.ucanmarkmyword is editing Keepin It Tight. Before she became a freelance editor, she was an editor at urbanbooks with Carl Weber and has worked with some of the best in the literary industry. So you can see why I'm glad she is diggin my book. I told y'all the book was going to be hot. I wasn't just saying that because it's mines...*smiles! *
So since the editing is planned to be wrapping up the end of April, it
will be sometime mid May when Keepin' It Tight will be available for
sale WHEREVER BOOKS ARE SOLD!! Yay! I just love the way that sounds!
Had you told me a year ago that the next best seller would be releasing in May 2007 , I would not have believed you.
Seeing my idea come to fruition is really a blessing.
May 21st is my birthday. What better birthday present could I have than to release my book that day?
Synopsis of Keepin' It Tight:
Lela James knows God has set aside the right man for her. Yet, when one relationship foils after the other, she all but gives up on finding her soul mate. Until an unlikely love connection is made when Cornelius Johnston makes an unexpected appearance at the James' Family Reunion. After Cornelius rocks her world, nice and slow, it doesn't take long before they are at the alter.
Cornelius Johnston (aka Neil) spent 8 years breaking through the ranks at Naytek Corporation. Mediocrity is not an option when it comes to his career. Even a stranger could see that his career is his first love. An invitation to the James' Family Reunion gives him a new outlook on life when his goals change from being CEO to being everything Lela James could ever want and need in a man.
Amanda Broady is Neil's ultra sexy, protege whose best assets are her flowing blond hair and hazel eyes. Her main goal is getting Neil in her bed. To her advantage, she is Christian Broady's niece, Neil's CEO. She uses her status to keep Neil away from home as much as possible with business trips, late nights, etc. After several failed attempts to get Neil's affection, she decides to take off the gloves, and expose a few of Lela's secrets.
Could your relationship stand the heat? Could you keep it tight when the devil is always at your doorstep? Keepin' It Tight explores relationship drama like no other novel. When deception in Cornelius and Lela's marriage reaches a point of no return, it will take a miracle to pick up the pieces. Come take the journey of race, love, deception, and temptation in Keepin' It Tight.
Dream big dreams, then put on your overalls and go out and make the dreams come true. - Fred Van Amburgh
Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Mocha Chocolate
By Shani
Mocha chocolate
Kisses so
enough to eat
Smile so warm
With only a lover's charm
Arms strong
enough to hold me
And keep me forever
Young and free
Safe from all of my
My chocolate is sensually wrapped
He never makes me feel trapped
Beautiful and intricately
With so many
There is no way I would leave
He is the one who holds me in my dreams
The one who looks into my eyes
And from my
spirit glean
wants, desires, needs
As I lay snug
under silky brown
I lay
with my favorite
Boy, I
know I'm in for a treat
As long as I'm
in the comfort
of my
Holy Hustler Book Review, by Shani
Holy Hustler Book Review - THUMBS UP
Category: Writing and Poetry
The tide is changing for the Goodlove men at Sweetwater Powerhouse of God and it's not for the better. Pastor Goodlove "Gee" is living large and lavish from the enormous ministry he is built. He has it all…his throne at Sweetwater, a beautiful wife half his age, mansions, cars…and a lustful desire that will be his undoing. His crafty ideas to bring in big money to add to Sweetwater's bottom line…and line his pockets…is the reason he was coined holy hustler by some.
Goodlove is the perfect last name for this family, as all three sons and their father are dealing with some sexual issues. Reginald is embezzling money from the church in order to live it up on the weekends with his sexy escorts. Damien's marriage to Michelle is nothing more than an agreement on paper because he is chasing every single skirt in church on Sunday, and his wife knows it. His infidelity leaves him and his wife in some very peculiar, even fatal, situations. Barry is truly in love with Amy Blackwell, the daughter of another prominent pastor. Barry has every intention to spend the rest of his days with the pure and beautiful Amy as his wife. There is only one problem - Sissy - a sexy Sunday school teacher that his flesh could not deny. Sissy's main objective is to become Mrs. Sissy Goodlove, so she sets some plans in motion to make Barry her husband, by any means necessary. Can you say crazy drama!?
HOLY HUSTLER is a bold and daring story that sheds light on subjects many Christians are uncomfortable speaking on publicly. Unfortunately, although HOLY HUSTLER is fiction, a lot of the shortcomings entertained in this book are real issues in the church.
P.L. Wilson did a very good job of creating a page turner from the beginning to the end. While HOLY HUSTLER leaves unfinished business for each of the Goodlove men, don't fret P.L. has a sequel on the way.
Reviewed by Shani Greene-Dowdell, for Big Time Publishing Magazine
This is a blog was written by a myspace friend, Larry Williams Jr., the King of Erotica. Please read this and realize that it is a call to action. Whatever you can do to help - please do it. Thank you!
(For those of you who are natural cynical and wonder if someone is scamming you - I know Larry, and I know that he would not put anything out there that would be dishonest, or do anything unscrupulous to get money, like this. This little girl truly needs your help. What are you going to do?)
Dedicated to Mimi
and Candace. I love you.
Very seldom do I do a blog that really digs in deep into the chambers of my soul, because I am so scared to really allow people to really look over my soul like a museum exhibit. But this one time, I have opened myself fully, because there's a little girl by the name of Candace, that I love, that I know, that is very, very dear to me. I love her just as much as I love my nieces, and she is going through something in my opinion that is not fair, but is life? I sit here with tears in my eyes because I hate for someone I love to go through any type of turmoil, if I could take the pain away and inflict it on my own life I would, but I can't. God has his reasons for what he does. I write a poem in dedication to Candace.
God and Satan's
Inspired by Rhymesoulnice
By the KING of Erotica © 2007
I love you,
I love you just as
washes over my bare feet
on the beach.
I ignore the sun,
that its there,
that it warms my soul and skin,
With our lives
God and Satan is playing
God is castling,
with my heart,
and he waits
for Satan
to make his move.
The darkness wraps me
like Hollywood minks
the temptation drives me
like the rich
clanking expensive silver
on China plates
people starve
yet restaurants, nightly,
throw food away
so sinisterly.
Satan moves two up,
one to the left
taking one of God's
yet God grins,
there goes the moon
shining brighter than the sun
Satan beat silky wings
on them are souls
beautifully disguised as feathers,
they scream painfully,
the flames dancing in his eyes,
as he look inside
is soul-lacerating
to say the least
but to this little girl,
my love,
my heart
God I ask you this
Satan took one of your pawns,
What will you do
to protect the Queen
so forever,
her future stand like a King?
by the Erotic King, Larry
Mimi's daughter, Rachel,
and our
star of the show
Candace Chantel Battiste
born with GCN, a rare congenital
skin disorder
supermodel in the making .. post-op 5th surgery .. two thumbs up
Candace, my hero, after nine surgeries!
It is time to continue
the next phase of
facial reconstruction surgeries.
All proceeds from the sale of
Chocolate Kisses, a collection of sweet,
sensual erotic poetry and
short stories,
fund raiser for the
Candace Battiste Surgery Fund
On SALE now at reduced a price!
Print or download available!
Click here:
Please help Candace
continue to get her new face in order that
she may face the world with
about Giant Congenital Nevus:
it does not rub off
it is not contagious
it is arare skin disorder
With love and gratitude
Mimi and Candace!
God bless!
Naiomi Pitre
Author of Broken Vows and In the Panty Drawer - Journey Into the Mind of a Sexual Woman
Naiomi's copy of Keepin' It Tight will be fresh off the press as she has won herself an autographed copy of Keepin' It Tight.
Congrats Nay!!
Visit Naiomi's Myspace Page To check out her work
Thanks to all who participated, but there could only be one winner. HOWEVER, to the participants: Send your snail mail address to and I will send you out a Keepin' It Tight Bookmark.
A HEARTFELT THANKS TO YOU ALL FOR HELPING ME CELEBRATE MY DEBUT NOVEL RELEASE WITH THIS CONTST. If you have not already head on over to and preorder your copy NOW!!
Synopsis of Keepin' It Tight
Could your relationship stand the heat? Could you keep it tight when the devil is always at your doorstep? Keepin' It Tight explores relationship drama like no other novel. When deception in Cornelius and Lela's marriage reaches a point of no return, it will take a miracle to pick up the pieces. Come take the journey of race, love, deception, and temptation in Keepin' It Tight.
Cornelius Johnston (aka Neil) spent 8 years breaking through the ranks at Naytek Corporation. Mediocrity is not an option when it comes to his career. Even a stranger could see that his career is his first love. An invitation to the James' Family Reunion gives him a new outlook on life when his goals change from being CEO to being everything Lela James could ever want and need in a man.
Amanda Broadyis Neil's ever present, ultra sexy, protégé whose best assets are her flowing blond hair and hazel eyes. Her last marriage ended with a Dear Jane letter and she is truly a woman scorned. After many failed bids for Neil's affection, she takes off the gloves and will stop at nothing to get Neil in her bed.
Hold's going to be a bumpy ride!Books ordered before April 15, 2007 will be entered to win into a drawing to win a Keepin' It Tight T-shirt or a $20.00 gift certificate to YOUR CHOICE.
Visit my website to preorder!
Naiomi's Captivating Write the Scene Entry!
Entry 9
Gingerly, she stepped into the center of the gorgeous white satin, pulling the dress up over her blossoming bosom. Tears fell like hot rain down her cheeks and left wet reminders of her pain down the front of the simple white gown.
She knew she would be in trouble if anyone walked in and caught her wearing her sister's clothes, especially this particular garment. She didn't care about the consequences. Gazing at herself in the round, full-length mirror Mama had placed in her room three years ago, (when she had begun to become "a Woman") she stood with her arms hanging straight down at her sides. She took a long, deep breath, and collapsed on the floor.
Her body convulsed into uncontrollable sobs, and she struggled to breathe. Finally, when it seemed as if she had no more tears left to shed, she pulled herself up into a sitting position with her back supported by her daybed. Staring across the room at herself in the mirror, she whispered into the silent room:
"Why did you have to go? Why couldn't you have waited until tonight? One more day... just one..." Her chest heaved, and she fought against the threatening onslaught of tears. "Was it that hard to resist? You couldn't even wait one day!?"
Anger built up inside of her petite, fifteen-year-old frame, and she lashed out, pulling the gown back and forth until she heard the seams beginning to split. The sound comforted her. Why should her sister's dress be unmarred and perfect, when her sister's mangled body lay in a morgue halfway across town, being shred to pieces by a medical examiner?
Amber was supposed to get married in this dress today. She and Sebastian had originally planned to elope, thinking that their parents wouldn't approve of them getting married at the young age of twenty-two. When Amber had told her younger sister of her plans, Tiffany immediately told her mother.
"What did you expect me to do? We tell her everything!" Tiffany cried out now, clutching the dress in her tight grip, wrinkling the delicate fabric in her hands.
Amber and Sebastian had been asked to sit down with both of their parents and discuss the matter, and Tiffany hadn't been invited. All she knew was that one day her mother was yelling and screaming about Amber's future, and the next day she was planning a small get together at their Lake House to make Amber and Sebastian's union official.
The only condition was that the couple wouldn't be allowed to see or speak to each other for two months prior to their ceremony. If they still wanted to go through with it, they would be married. This two months vacation would give the parents an opportunity to change their minds.
Instead, one day before their union, Amber had come rushing downstairs in the middle of the night after their parents had long since fallen asleep. Tiffany was watching a late night Al Pacino movie in the living room, half way between sleep and wakefulness herself.
"What are you doing? Why are you dressed?" Tiffany mumbled, her eyelids heavy.
"Going to see Sebby." Amber whispered, gesturing for Tiffany to be quiet. "I know, I know! I have to see him again before we get married; I just can't take the suspense! We did it, Tiff. We made it the whole two months. Nothing will ever stop our love, and now they all know it!" She tried to contain her excitement.
"Why can't you wait until tomorrow? You're gonna ruin everything!" Tiffany felt wide awake now, her eyes stretched wide in the flickering light of the television screen. The living room was dark except for the movie that played on low volume across from the couch that Tiffany sat upon.
"You don't understand, Tiff! I will explain when you get older!" Amber grinned mischieviously, winking a heavily made-up eye and slowly pulling the front door open. "Act like you're asleep, and if Mom and Dad wake up before I get back, you don't know anything! Don't worry, they'd never cancel all of their plans now!" Amber smiled one last time and ducked out the door, sliding it closed noiselessly behind her.
Tiffany shook her head, but smiled. She loved her big sister, but she often didn't understand her. She had yet to become boy crazy, so Amber's motives were usually a mystery to her. She lazily fell fast asleep listening to the Hollywood Icon rant to a group of college boys on the television screen.